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Sorcha on Managing The Stage

Sorcha studied BA (Hons) Managing Performance at The University of Leeds and graduated in 2016.

On arriving at Leeds I knew I wanted to get involved in theatre in some way, soon into first semester I discovered LUU Backstage Society and decided to give it a go, I signed up to the mailing list and replied to the first crew call that landed in my inbox (Jekyll and Hyde) and never looked back. When I look back at my three years in Leeds, Backstage Society was a massive part of it.

“Stage Managing for the society was an absolute dream, going to rehearsal, sourcing props and then either being on hand side of stage during each show or in the lighting box calling the show.”

Throughout my time in BSS I concentrated more on Stage Management (Being my chosen career path it kind of made sense) than other areas within BSS. Stage Managing for the society was an absolute dream, going to rehearsal, sourcing props and then either being on hand side of stage during each show or in the lighting box calling the show. Each show brought new experiences for myself and everyone else on crew including meeting so many people from both the backstage and the performance side of shows that I would have never had the chance to meet otherwise.

“…I am going to miss hanging out with like-minded people everyday, doing something we all enjoy whether we intend to make a career out of it or are just looking for something to fill our free time before Fruity starts.”

After one year in the society I was lucky enough to be elected as Social Secretary in my second year and Equipment and Safety Secretary in my final year. Being a part of LUUBSS committee for two years was such a wonderful experience as well as being a huge responsibility and hard work, however seeing the enjoyment members were getting out of the society because of the hard work of our committee and and committees before us made all the 3 hour weekly meetings worth it. I could talk for hours about how much I enjoyed being a part of Backstage Society and how much I have learned from the society that has truly helped me with my career and how much I am going to miss hanging out with like-minded people everyday, doing something we all enjoy whether we intend to make a career out of it or are just looking for something to fill our free time before Fruity starts. I learned some great things from Backstage Society and met some of the best friends through it, an amazing society that deserves to be the best in category.

By Sorcha Doherty

Posted on 15th September 2016


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