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Presidential Post

Chris is in his 4th year at the University of Leeds, studying MBChB Medicine.

Over the course of the year, as President I’m responsible for organising and overseeing the running of the society, as well as being the key contact (alongside the Secretary) for Backstage. I chair our weekly Committee meetings and have the joyful responsibility of writing a sick annual review for the AGM. Alongside the rest of the Exec, I’m also responsible for maintaining a friendly, healthy relationship with the other performing societies, union staff and our regular hire companies.

“I’m responsible for organising and overseeing the running of the society, as well as being the key contact (alongside the Secretary) for Backstage.”

This year, in part due to my involvement as Technical Supervisor at LUU, my role has also extended into looking at equipment procurement for the ongoing Theatre Upgrade – going forward the Backstage President will sit alongside myself and other key LUU members at the Theatre Upgrade Meetings to help guide LUU’s vision for its theatres over the coming year.

“whilst it can be stressful and time-consuming at times, it is fully worth it for the final reward!”

I’ve had great fun sitting as President this year and whilst it can be stressful and time-consuming at times, it is fully worth it for the final reward!

P.S. In the event that another Committee member can’t fulfill their duties, the President is responsible for covering their duties until further notice.

If you have any further questions regarding my role on committee then please do contact me via and I will do my best to give you some more insight.

By Chris Morris

Posted on 14th March 2017

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