Lily is in her first year studying BSc Aerospace Engineering at the University of Leeds, and the Backstage First Year Rep 17/18.
“Being on committee has been such a highlight of my time at university so far, and I cannot wait for the years to come.”
Being the first First Year Rep in this society has been heaps of fun, and I’ve only been doing it for a couple of months! I knew before I even came to university that I wanted to be involved in Backstage, and so I’ve been pretty eager to get involved as quickly as possible. Being on committee has been such a highlight of my time at university so far, and I cannot wait for the years to come.
“I knew before I even came to university that I wanted to be involved in Backstage, and so I’ve been pretty eager to get involved as quickly as possible.”
I’ve been lucky enough to develop the role how I see fit, since it is a new position, and I hope that whoever follows me in this role will have the space to do the same. My main focus has been championing the views of anyone in their first year of Backstage, and aiming to improve the first-year experience. One of the most important tasks is being a voice between committee and newer members, ensuring that even the smallest comments or requests get fed back. I’ve tried to encourage people to get involved and take up new roles during shows by constantly messaging the group chat!
“One of the most important tasks is being a voice between committee and newer members, ensuring that even the smallest comments or requests get fed back.”
My main goal this year is to build a Backstage glossary for new members, to take away the fear caused by some of the theatrical jargon! I hope that this can be in place for the next academic year. I hope that whoever takes on this role after me will be able to develop even more ways to make entry into Backstage easier, whether that be through socials or improved intro training, Backstage mentors or a Facebook group. Anything is possible (within reason)!!!!
My part on committee has really built my confidence, and given me a platform to share my ideas and build my experience. I’d recommend it to anyone! Don’t let anything hold you back from applying for any role because you’ll be supported in any position. At first, I thought that committee meetings would be really intimidating, but that’s definitely not the case. It’s a fantastic environment to share ideas, and to get really involved in the working of the society. Being on the committee, even for such a short time, has helped me to learn about what it takes to run a society and all that goes on behind the scenes.
“Committee meetings are a fantastic environment to share ideas, and to get really involved in the working of the society.”
So overall I’d say take the plunge and apply for committee, you won’t regret it! It’s such an amazing learning experience and you’ll have heaps of fun at the same time. If you have any questions, drop me an email at
By Lily Biggs
Posted on 5th March 2018